EIVP - Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris

The EIVP is part of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, a network representing business and engineering schools training their students towards excellence. Through an independently-established curriculum, they aim at providing an education in close cooperation with the business community and open at an international level. After two years of preparatory classes, students can enter the EIVP after passing competitive examinations.
The EIVP constantly emphasizes the importance of having an international experience and has developed a consistent international strategy. Among other programs, the EIVP is involved in Erasmus + and BRAFITEC. Some students’ associations at the EIVP also conduct missions abroad.
Partnerships with foreign institutions offer students the opportunity to spend a semester abroad at the university and country of their choice or even to acquire a dual degree. Many students also choose to carry out their internships abroad.
A yearly forum in October and an annual international business event in December allow companies to fully take part in the EIVP international strategy, and enable them to network and find future talents to hire, while an international seminar offers the EIVP international students a global insight in current urban engineering trends.
Franck Jung
EIVP Director